Social Media is NOT bad or illegal
- Been around for centuries
+It's not just electronic
+*Media* we can share *socially*
- Not going away
- Some might say not to have it
+ they don't like it or understand it
Social Media is a TOOL
- we use tools every day
- right way and wrong way to use tools
+ iPad is not a hammer
+ flat tip screwdriver is not a scraper
- no social media platform is preferred or exempt from these regulations
+ there is no BEST/WORST or AUTHORIZED/UNAUTHORIZED Social medium to use
WHEN/HOW to use social media
-When it's safe, obviously
+phones are electronic devices
-We are still subject to state/federal law
+FL law prohibits texting and driving
+Allows recording while driving
-Updated AFI 36-2903 DEC 2021
+allows hand in pockets
+updated hair regulations
+walking and using phones
+Customs and courtesies still apply
Below are some common social media posts. Notice the three lights on the side, and the regulation it violates, if any.
"Wow! I can't believe it's only 47 degrees today!!"
found pictures of my plane! check it out!
I had a TERRIBLE day at work! The Flux capacitor on the new Classified radio system wasn't working, and I had to work right through my lunch!
I would do ANYTHING to get me a piece of that Tech Sergeant Aqeel Wright. Love me some brown sugar!
Work was Great! I did an engine wash and really learned what it takes to make these planes fly
I really like the Starbucks on base. The coffee is good, and it's really close to my office
I can't STAND that tool room guy, Dick Derby. His positive attitude and helpful demeanor makes me SICK!
Let's Go Brandon! #FJB
the chow hall food at my base is awful and not safe for human consumption
The Views on my material do not reflect the views of the DoD
Can't wait to celebrate Ramadan with my fam
Watch out! A Russian sounding person asked me about the military at the gas station. Might be a spy!
- users who post negative or belittling comments to be deliberately provocative or offensive
+"Do not feed the trolls"
+it only fuels them
+they WANT attention
- Just Block/Ignore them
+It's not your job to clean up the internet
+report harmful behavior to appropriate authorities
You can use Social Media to your advantage
- Easiest way to check on your troops
+Just log on and see everything from your phone
+What drives them
+Motivates them
+Thoughts on many topics
+Relatives and friends
+who they like and dislike
+If they follow each other, they are likely friends
- Look out for "bad signs"
+Negative posts
+Sharp decline in posts
+Some marital status updates
+General complaining or unhappy demeanor in posts
- If desired, create another social media account
+Can be separate from personal accounts
+Preferably a platform your troops use
+Keep it strictly work related information
- Post good, beneficial, practical information
+OPSEC Still applies to private media groups
+UTA dates and changes to showtime
+OPSEC-minded reminders that can benefit relevant members
+upcoming opportunities, orders, deployments, TDY's
"Upcoming opportunity - call the shop for details"
"Looking for some help on an early detail"
"Need troops for award ceremony, must have blues ready"
- Many units create a Social Media group
+Great place to post generic, unit-wide information
"Blues inspection this weekend"
"PT test this weekend? remember your PT gear"
+Easily share reminders
"Squadron BBQ this Saturday"
"Commander's call @ 0700"
+Collect troop EPR bullets from the comfort of home
"Who all was on that beach cleanup detail?"
"Who stayed over last week to help change that tire?"
- Post awards and other accomplishments of your troops so they can repost and share!
"Congrats to Sergeant May for making Guardian of the Year!"
"Big Shout out to the crew of 903 for busting knuckles and making it happen!"
In Conclusion, Social media is ALLOWED, ENCOURAGED, and NECESSARY to the Mission.
Remember OPSEC on ALL platforms.
Your social media can be a wonderful experience for new troops, peers, friends and family, grieving spouses, parents, and young people who consider joining the military.
"The Eyes of the World are upon you." - General Dwight D. Eisenhower